wolfgangsee 2021We did really nice 8 races with very close fights for boths 1st and 3rd place. Regatta was perfectly organized and local sailors with club organized a lot of food and drinks. It was impossible not to enjoys this regatta and looking forward to come again.
Congratulations to Viktor Teply, winner of both events. Results are below.
Due to the limited numbers and countries represented in this year, we did not run any Class planning meeting as usual, and will be consulting on next year's events by email and Facebook.
Our plan so far includes a major event in Sardinia in Spring 2022, at the fantastic venue of Porto Rotondo, and then the Alpine Championship at Gravedona, Lago di Como at the end of June - both of which were popular events postponed from 2021.
We are now busy looking at other events to complete the circuit and hope to be back to normal - great sailing in great places, with good friends. Happy D-One sailing !
Lipno result link is here:
 lipno results
 Wolfgangsee results link:
UYC Wolfgangsee results
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